Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Chapter 5 Strategy Implementation (3rd Grade +)

After you read Chapter 5, implement these instructional activities with your students:

You Try It
p. 87
p. 98

Report how each of these went in a blog post by 12/09/16.  You may create separate posts for each if you wish.

Your K-2 colleagues will comment beginning on 12/10/16.  Be sure to monitor your posts and respond to questions and comments as needed.

You instructional activities and implement these strategies with your students:

Chapter 4 Strategy Implementation (K-2)

After you read Chapter 4, select two of the three instructional activities listed below and implement these strategies with your students:

You Try It
p. 61
p. 69
pp. 74-75

Report how each of these went in a blog post by 12/09/16.  You may create separate posts for each if you wish.

Your colleagues in the upper grades will comment beginning on 12/10/16.  Be sure to monitor your posts and respond to questions and comments as needed.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chapter 1 Reflections

Read Chapter 1 (pp. 1-18), then respond to the following by October 16, 2016:

1. Describe something a teacher did while you were in school that helped you to learn new vocabulary, then describe a technique used with you that did not help to expand your vocabulary.

2.  As you work with your own students this week, find an example each of the following categories of words: misdirectivenondirectivegeneral, and directive.  What will you do to teach each of these words if context clues will not help?

Beginning October 17th, read what others have posted, and respond meaningfully to one colleague about prompt #1 and a different colleague about prompt #2.  Be sure to check the responses to your thoughts regularly, respond to comments, and answer any questions that may be asked.  Responses must be completed  by October 24th.